Our Services
Our commitment to serve pet owners is the reason we offer so many choices in services.
We own and operate our pet crematory and offer valley wide service for the removal of your pet from your home or veterinary clinic seven days a week.
Please call or contact us for pricing. If you are in need of a service not listed, please let us know how we can help.

Open to the Public
Office Hours: 9am to 5pm Monday – Friday
You don’t need an appointment to visit our facility during office hours.
You can bring your pet to our crematory.
After hours please call 480-668-8500
Removal of Your Pet Valley wide
We do removals from your residence or your veterinary clinic seven days a week. We will make any arrangements necessary to meet your needs.
Private/Witness Cremation
This type of cremation is available seven days a week.
Your pet is placed in the cremation chamber by itself.
You or someone to represent you may be present for this cremation if you want, at no extra charge.
Ashes are given to you as soon as the process is completed.
This is a same day service, so it is best if you call as soon as possible so we can schedule a time for you to arrive.

Individual Cremation – or Separate Cremation
This is the standard type of cremation with your pet’s ashes being saved for you. Your vet office uses a pet cremation company that provides this type of cremation.
Your pet’s remains are kept separate from other pets during the cremation process.
This type of cremation takes approximately 4 business days and we offer a reduced price for very small pocket pets.
We follow a specific procedure to ensure there is no mixing of ashes.
This is our Number 1 Priority!
Communal Cremation – or Mass Cremation
This is the type of cremation you would choose for your pet if you do not want to keep the ashes.
Individual remains are not kept separate.
Your vet office uses a company that offers this type of cremation.
Your pet’s ashes cannot be returned.
This type of cremation is better for the environment than burial or landfill.

Return of Cremated Remains
You may pick up cremated remains at our facility or we can deliver cremated remains to your residence.
Custom Services
Time alone with your pet, Memorial service, Lock of hair upon request
Urns, Caskets, Pendants, Markers, Memorials